Me and Oolong are gonna be doing a presentation for the NG summer fest this year! it's another character design war! this time's theme is... Heaven vs Hell. We'll be presenting this saturday at 8:45 PM EST. if you had fun last time, I hope to see you guys again!
For anyone unsure of how this works: me and Oolong worked on designing two leaders of a fictional faction. Then, for the rest of the stream, he and I design members of the opposite person's faction. Then the viewers get to choose which of our factions they want to design a single member for and draw along with us! Whoever's faction has the most members by the end of the stream wins the war! first time it was Reptiles vs Mammals, then Sea vs Sky. now, we're HEAVEN VS HELL!
Really excited to be doing one of these again, it's usually a pretty big hit with the audience, so I hope everyone enjoys this one too. thank you to Kekiiro for hosting the event and allowing me and oolong on!