Just wanted to apologize and give an explanation about the lack of art. I've been really busy with Hymn to the Earless God, and for this whole year I've been in a really bad art rut. Haven't had the motivation or creativity to create art outside of the pixel work I do for Earless God.
this whole year I've been pretty stressed about not drawing enough, or worrying that I've somehow lost my ability to draw and design things. But finally, I think I've decided that it's not worth it to stress about it this much and I may need to just accept this will be a down period for me and I don't have the physical or mental stamina to make art outside of my job. I had the time and energy to do such before, but I don't have that now and I haven't had it for a while. I'm still doing pixel art consistently for the game, so that's something. You guys, unfortunately, won't be able to see it for a while.
thanks for understanding, I wanted to say this on NewGrounds most of all since this site has done a lot for me, and it's the place I kinda' consider a "home" for my art more than anything. I'm sure I'll get out of this funk soon, and when I do you guys'll be the first to see what I make.
Take your time, don't stress yourself. You are doing great anyway!
haha, thanks man. we all could probably stand to tell ourselves this exact thing every once in a while.