poor guy...
poor guy...
WOAH! Such a creative and well executed piece! I can tell how much care you put into the lines, it's extremely admirable and inspiring!
the detail on this line work is insane! Holy shit!
just keep drawing lines until the paper starts screaming
this is cool but it depresses me
What...? I'm no Maverick...
Awhah, MAN! I love that mushrooms ripping a hole in her back, and the centipede crawling out her nose! Really disturbing and brilliant details!
YES!!! Piedmon is my favorite digimon! how menacing he looks, yet still flambouyant!
He does have the personality traits of a very compelling villain:3
woooahoah, this is awesome! Love that gawk-eyed stared. Looks like a creature who acts solely on the base instinct to consume blood... creepy!
awh man, takes me back to memories of the Gamecube and PS2. Love this Sonic!
I've learned to love Sonic Heroes' janky water shading. Those games were crazy charming, even if not the best to play through. Some of the best environment art in the series, in my opinion.
Woah, man, this looks amazing! The cel shading and cartoon-y style is honestly something I want to strive for in my own 3D art!
I recommend Arc System Work's GDC talk if you want to go knee deep with shading tricks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhGjCzxJV3E
Hi, I draw for money.
I use Paint Tool SAI 2.
Digital Artist
Graduated High School
Florida, United States
Joined on 11/20/18