dude, Jouste, you are a MASTER! I love how blocky and painful those spiky shackles look, and then you got those nice elegent swirls on the clothing to make such a cool contrast! Also love how you did the fire on his head, really cool!
dude, Jouste, you are a MASTER! I love how blocky and painful those spiky shackles look, and then you got those nice elegent swirls on the clothing to make such a cool contrast! Also love how you did the fire on his head, really cool!
love the composition here! The warm colors, the landscape in the back, and the off-center focus on the character. It all comes together to make a sweet looking summer-time picture, almost like a sweet, nostalgic memory!
Awh man, this is nice
woah, all the different blues are mesmerizing!
this sketch style is great! Especially love how you did the hair, and highlighted the top eyelid to make the eyes pop that much more!
Woah, the level of detail and calibur of rendering is super impressive! Love to see those process gifs too.
Thanks I always love to see people's progress. :D
Hearing the backstory for why you draw this office lady so much really gave me a new perspective on your work. I really hope things get better for ya', man, I'm really sorry that office work is so exhausting. But, I gotta say at the very least, this piece you did looks really cool! I love the implication that dropping the burger was the last straw and now her psychic rage is being unleashed!
woooah, the angle on this is sick as hell! Looks like she's about to stab me with those big bramble-y insect spike things on her back!
cool worm
hey thanks Cube! So sorry I missed that livestream thing. it would have been cool to meet kind of face to face!
*cubed highfives
MAAAAAAAAAN! That armor and that sword! This is INCREDIBLE! I can't believe you can get lighting and shine down like that!
Hi, I draw for money.
I use Paint Tool SAI 2.
Digital Artist
Graduated High School
Florida, United States
Joined on 11/20/18