This guy's head shape is really cool as hell. Don't think I've ever seen anyone else look like him.
This guy's head shape is really cool as hell. Don't think I've ever seen anyone else look like him.
woooooah dude, loving the armor on this guy.
Thanks! I tried to keep it realistic and kind of simple (but also cool), it was a fun challenge!
love how detailed the framing is! Your stuff is great, man!
Thanks so much!
Wooooah, dude, this is breath-taking! What a monumental, powerful scene, seeing these giant stone gorillas, just, TOWERING over you! This is really truly great, wonderful job!
wooooaaaaah, dude, this is incredible! The high contract and saturated colors really give off a violent, intense feeling! And the focus on that human guy down there, it makes for a very dramatic and powerful picture!
thanks so much, cube!
those wiggly lines are hypnotising... Love this scene and the detail you gave to the wood and everything!
its a pain in the keester to do so thank you!
I love how this exact pose and scene could be used for a legit pinup artwork.
its the kissy lips that sell it
Oh hey, I did a commission of this character too! Love to see how you drew her differently, this is a great job! Really like the shambly, zombie-like pose. It's cute but stays fairly spooky!
Oh yeah! I saw yours in the imgur album. Thanks man!
Hi, I draw for money.
I use Paint Tool SAI 2.
Digital Artist
Graduated High School
Florida, United States
Joined on 11/20/18